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For Faculty

Email us at to have any of your questions answered. For questions about tests being taken in the Groves Lab, you may also email Each Academic Department is also assigned a CLASS staff liaison. Email us to find out who your department’s liaison is.

General Awareness

As an instructor you will rarely know the specifics of a student’s disability. In some cases a student may ask to meet with you to discuss his or her disability, but in most cases, you will be emailed a notification from the student’s Disability Specialist stating that the student is working with CLASS. This email will list the accommodations they are eligible to receive as a result of their documented disabilities (but it will not give the specifics of the disability). Students need to meet with a Disability Specialists before they can take exams in the Groves Accommodations Lab. If someone indicates to you that they have a disability and need accommodations and you haven’t received an email from a Disability Specialist about them, please tell the student to contact our office.

If you have questions or concerns about a student you are working with, you can call our office and ask to speak with the Specialist who is working with that student. The Specialist may not be able to tell you what a student’s disability is, but they may be able to provide you with some guidance for working with the student.

Syllabus Statement

Faculty are strongly encouraged to include on their syllabus a statement directing a student to CLASS in order to make it clear to a student that it is their responsibility and right to get the process of receiving accommodations started. An example of a statement is:

Disability Accommodations and Accessibility: If you need disability-related accommodations to have equal access in this course, please contact the CLASS Office (Disability Resources) at or schedule a meeting with CLASS at If accommodations are required, the CLASS Office will notify me privately about your needs.

Textbook selection for Alternative Formats

Students whose disability impacts their reading may receive an accommodation for their course reading materials (textbooks, handouts, syllabi, lab manuals) to be in an accessible format. Formats include compact disc, Braille, large print, e-text, or scan-and-read access. Depending upon the particular format, it can take up to 8 weeks for a recorded text and 3 or more months for a Brailled document. We ask that faculty choose texts for their courses well in advance of the term to give us time to complete the conversion. If you give students handouts to read, please make these available to the student in advance so the student can get them in an accessible format.

Other Information

Accommodations Procedures

Here you will find specifics about accommodations for students with disabilities at Augsburg University from the faculty’s point-of-view. For the policies the students have to adhere to, please see the Student Handbook.

Technology for Students with Disabilities

Have you ever wondered what Smart Pens and Audio Notetaker are? This page will give you an overview of the technology that is available in the Groves Lab.

Faculty Guide to Students with Disabilities

An abridged guide based on a longer guide to students with disabilities created by the ACTC ADA Committee. If you would like a copy of the full guide, please contact CLASS at 612-330-1053.

teaching students with disabilities

See Augsburg’s Center for Teaching and Learning Resources for more about the principles of Universal Design to make your classroom an inclusive learning environment.

Quick Guides for specific disabilities

Autism Spectrum Disorders (.rtf download)

ADD/ADHD (Attention Deficit)

Dyslexia (Reading)

Dysgraphia (Writing)

Dyscalculia (Math)